JFL Biography

Entrepreneur and Success Coach

Jocelyne F. Lafrenière is the President & Chief Executive Officer of JFL International Inc. and Founder of the Business Centre of Excellence. The Centre is dedicated to helping businesses and individuals move to the next level, and achieve greater success through transformational consulting, coaching, and training.

Jocelyne is a retired partner of KPMG Canada, one of the world’s largest professional services firms, where she led the Compliance Services and the International Development Assistance Services of their Ottawa office. With more than 35 years of management consulting experience, she has served as an advisor to government departments and agencies, United Nations agencies, businesses, and non-profit organizations around the world.

As a coach, Jocelyne enables individuals from all walks of life to make shifts in their life, improve their performance, and achieve outstanding results. Her message of creating an enriched and meaningful life is truly inspirational. She genuinely shares her knowledge, experience, and wisdom to inspire people to create their best life. She is the author of the inspiring books, Hello, Marvelous You and Unleash Your Power, and one of the co-authors of the book The Soul of Success. She is also the author of twelve business management courses.

Her powerful approach is based on proven methods, tools and techniques that bring results. She is dedicated to empowering individuals and businesses to make success a reality and to celebrate their greatness.

Jocelyne holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree, and is fluent in both English and French. She is also a Certified Professional Accountant, Chartered Accountant, and a Certified Internal Control Auditor. In addition, she is a Certified Professional Success Coach. You can visit the JFL International Inc. website at www.jflinternational.com.

Peace Advocate

Jocelyne aspires to a less-violent world, and she is an advocate for human and civil rights, less oppressive relations, freedom of religion, and the protection of religious minorities. She embraces all genders to work together in respect and harmony in building global peace.

Jocelyne initiated the Just for Love and Peace (“JFL Peace”) Movement to engage individuals worldwide in the love and peace process, one act of kindness at a time. JFL Peace is a positive movement in support of our responsibility to make the world a better place. The movement champions four key humanistic values: embracing diversity, equality, and freedom; saying no to bullying; engaging in positive communication; and helping each other live a better life. She wishes that we all become JFL Peace Ambassadors.


Her love and commitment to disadvantaged individuals has no boundaries. Jocelyne is the Founder and President of the JFL Foundation that supports education and entrepreneurship activities for the betterment of individuals in disadvantaged communities around the world. 

To celebrate the spirit of giving, the Foundation has added a “giving back” component to some of its programs under which recipients commit to provide in their lifetime discretionary financial support to advance someone else’s dreams of education and entrepreneurship. You are welcome to visit us at www.jflfoundation.org, and we thank you for your support.    


Throughout her career, Jocelyne has actively championed for the empowerment of women and the protection of children, as well as supporting education. She has been powerfully drawn to a number of opportunities to volunteer and assist with international development issues.

She has taught accounting and financial management at the Université du Québec à Gatineau, Algonquin College, and the Building Owners and Managers Association of Ottawa. She has also published several articles on contract compliance matters. She has always played an active role in supporting women entrepreneurship. Jocelyne is a former President of the Outaouais Chapter of the Quebec Business Women Network and Vice-President of Femmes d'affaires sans frontière. Her investment in youth has been wide-ranging, from being a volunteer for five years with Youth Action, an adolescent youth group, to her role as a Board Member of Kids Connection Haiti (Canadian branch). In addition, she was a Board member of Save the Children Canada and a member of their Finance and Audit Committee.She is currently a Board Member of Care Canada.

Following the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, she was deeply moved by the tragedy and reached out to the international and Haitian communities to offer support in the reconstruction efforts. She has served several United Nations agencies and non-governmental organizations in Haiti. Her support of Haitian youths include being an advisor on the Adolescent Girls Network Program and to the Orphanage Espoir-Enfants.

Awards and Recognitions

Jocelyne was a recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for her significant contribution to the community in Canada and abroad in 2012. She was a finalist for the 2011 Professional Woman of the Year Award organized by the Ottawa Business Women’s Network. She was also a Finalist in the Professional Category for the Prix Méritas awarded by the Réseau des femmes d’affaires et professionnelles de l’Outaouais in 1994.

Fitness and Well-Being Activist

JFL is very passionate about health, fitness, and weight training. You are invited to read her fitness, vitality and wellness, and longevity tips at www.jflyouthfulness.com.



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