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Respect Diversity, Equality and Freedom


Say NO to Bullying

Open Your Mind – Remember how you felt when you traveled to another city or country, and you were welcomed with kind words? Well that’s what embracing diversity is all about. It’s about welcoming others who are different from us into your world. Open your heart and allow yourself to discover the riches of others.

Be Respectful – Diversity is what makes us stronger. It enriches and expands our view of the world. Be respectful in your relationships at school, at the office, and in your neighborhood. Being respectful does not mean that you agree; it means that you allow others to be.

Engage in Positive Communication – Take time to know about other cultures and religions. Invite people from other ethnicities at home, and have lunch with them. Listen to their music, learn about their culture. Get to know them, listen, and learn. You will see how they will expand your life.

Promote Diversity and Equality – Make it known at home, at school, at work, and in your discussions with neighbors that all are welcomed regardless of their culture, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, and sexual orientation. 

Focus on Training – Train your peers to a culture of diversity and equality. Engage in activities that raise awareness. Let people know that offensive or discriminatory language is not tolerated.

Eliminate Favoritism at Work – Eliminate hidden rules and favoritism at work. Advancement should be based on efforts, competence and skills; not on gender, skin color, age, or religious beliefs.

Get Your Employer Engaged – Inquire if your office has a diversity and equality policy. If no policy is in place, prepare a proposal for senior management to implement a solid plan for all to embrace diversity.


Walk With Your Head High – No one can take away your uniqueness and magnificence. Even if you have not discovered your full potential yet, walk with your head high, knowing that you are loved and lovable.

Be Respectful - Be nice to others as you would like them to treat you. See their differences as an opportunity to grow.

Open the Door to Communication – Don’t allow the bully to hold power over you. If deemed appropriate, let the bully know that you find his attitude quite disturbing. Try to engage in a positive conversation by asking the bully why he is doing what he is doing. Listen and see if you need to change how you relate to others. Who knows, your conversation may open the door to a future friendship.

Don’t Let the Bully’s Comments Affect You – Be the judge as to whether or not negative comments from a bully just need to be ignored. Know that you are always in control. Believe in your own heart that you are loved and are lovable. Find a space in your heart to forget and forgive.

Tell Someone – If you find yourself doubting about yourself, being depressed, or being disengaged, tell someone you know cares about you. Tell your family, the school administration, a teacher, or a neighbor who can help. 

Read Books – Read books on the topic of bullying. Learn how to manage anger, resolve conflicts, and protect yourself physically and emotionally.

Get Your School Engaged – See if your school has an anti-bullying policy. If they do, great, this is a big step towards action. If not, get your parents or friends involved in submitting a proposal to the school administration in this regard. Follow-up on your proposal.


Engage in Positive Communication


Help Others Live their Best Life

Be Attentive – Listening is practicing the art of being present. Let the other person talk; it sets the stage for positive communication. Do not interrupt them, or try to put words in their mouth. To give them the liberty to express their feelings without judgment is a gift.

Be Patient – If you are interacting with someone from another ethnicity who has difficulty speaking your language, be courteous. Ask them politely to repeat or ask for another person’s help in the translation.

Be Humble – When you open your mouth, do not suddenly inflate your ego and become the elephant in the room. The need for power shows your own insecurity. Share your gifts and experience in a humble manner.

Respect Different Opinions – Each one of us is entitled to our own opinion.  It is normal for people to have different points of view. Don’t be a communication bully who won’t give up his argument until he has won everyone over. Remain calm, and let others reflect on your opinion and make a decision for themselves.

Speak Using Positive Words – Lift yourself and others up. Use powerful positive words to edify. Corrective messages should always be topped with solutions. Get some words like wonderful, fantastic, exciting in your vocabulary.  Look at the positive in everyone. Find at least one nice thing about the person in front of you.

Learn to Compromise – Try to understand the other person’s point of view. Put yourself in their shoes. When faced with an opinion different than yours, find a way to compromise if deemed necessary.

Engage in International Peace Discussion – Terrorism, oppression, senseless massacre, and suppression have no place in effective communication.  Peace becomes alive through respect of diversity and differences, and the understanding that we, humans, are ONE.  Peace lives in that place where love, compassion, tolerance, and forgiveness are present. One-side interest hinders the search of conflict resolutions. Peace is a choice, not a feeling. Find peaceful ways to build peace and freedom through dialogue and negotiation, and keep the betterment of all at the forefront of discussions. War should never be an option. 


Love Yourself – Great givers generally have great self-esteem. Know that you are a beautiful person and you are loved. You are a miracle of life. You are uniquely gifted, and you are pure potential ready to expand. Give yourself more love and attention. Take time to care and nurture yourself. Learn more, grow more, and you will be able to give more. Shine and leave your footprint in making this world a better place.

Forgive Yourself and Others – Know that you and others are learning. Not everyone gets it right on the first try. If someone has wronged you, forgive. Forgiveness does not mean that you will forget, it means that you are releasing the pain. Look with your heart not with your eyes, and you will see the beauty in others.

Smile – Enflame the world with your smile and your sparks of joy, love, and peace.  A simple smile creates a unique connection; it reminds you that we are all one.

Give Yourself to Others – Share your love, joy, and all that you are with others. Be genuine in your giving, forego the “what’s in it for me” attitude. Giving your time, energy, and support to family and friends not only embellishes their lives but yours as well. It makes you a unique part of the creation process; it makes you feel alive and purposeful.

Perform an Act of Kindness a Day – A random act of kindness a day goes a long way. It will keep you and others radiant and glowing each day. Recent studies show that five acts of kindness a day increase happiness. How do you feel when someone tells you that you look great or that you did well at school or at work? Kind words are magical; they make you feel great and lift you up. Don’t be shy with giving and receiving compliments.

Share Your Expertise – Giving is the key that opens the door of unlimited possibilities. Life is about creation and expansion. Sharing your expertise and your skills does not take anything away from you. To the contrary -  it enriches your life.

Help Others Shine – What you do today can change tomorrow. Look out for the needs of others.  See what you can do to help them achieve their dream. Their successes become your successes. Their joys become your joys.



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