Worldwide Acts of Kindness

Inspire others with your acts of kindness! 


Send us your kindness story by email. We will share your story with our readers. Please read the directives below prior to submitting your story.


A random act of kindness a day goes a long way!


Writing Your Story

  • Write your story in the first person.
  • Tell us about the situation and the act of kindness you did.


Other Terms

  • Complete the required information using the fields provided below.
  • Remember that the story must be real, and we reserve the right to verify the facts.
  • We reserve the right to make grammatical changes as may be needed. 
  • In submitting your story, you are providing us with the permission to post it on this website, and/or to refer to it on Facebook, Twitter or in one of JFL’s future books.
  • No compensation will be provided if your story is chosen to be posted on this website, and/or if we refer to it on Facebook, Twitter or in one of JFL’s future books.
  • If your story is not deemed appropriate for the purpose of this website, it will not be posted.
  • We will acknowledge having received your story by a thank you email. 


As a JFL Peace Ambassador, do not hesitate to share your random acts of kindness.


Share your story

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